God is unleashing a love revolution. This love revolution is impacting the millennial, minorities and every part of society. In the last 60 years there’s been a false love movement that is sought to redefine what love actually is. There’s a whole generation alive today that has created their own idea of what love is. God is forcibly overthrowing the established social and governmental standard of love and replacing it with the new system of His love. God is redefining what love looks like for America. He’s going to redefine love for the LGBT community. He’s going to redefine love for minorities and millennials. God’s definition of love is his son hanging on a bloody cross. Love is a person named Jesus Christ. The good news of Jesus Christ is God’s love message to humanity.
There’s a politically correct love in America right now that says you have to accept whatever anyone want to be and whatever anyone wants to do and it’s unloving to tell anyone how to live. But God’s definition of love is Jesus Christ hanging on a tree. As the church, the most unloving thing we could do is withhold this message. To be timid and afraid of being loud about Jesus Christ is the most unloving thing to our fellow neighbor. Society tells us that you’re unloving and unaccepting if you tell people that Jesus is the only way. But the reality is that the most loving thing you could do is tell the world about father God’s love gift to humanity which is Jesus Christ and Him crucified. There’s a real heaven and there is a real hell. Jesus is the only way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through Him. He is the bread of life for humanity. He is the door into eternal life. He is the only one who gives freedom from sin and death. The greatest way I could love somebody is to introduce him or her to love himself, Jesus Christ. People’s eternal destinies are at stake. Love compels me to preach! Love constrains me to introduce God’s love gift to humanity! His love gift is Jesus Christ. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.
I was on my way home from a trip and was in the airport waiting in line to board the plane. I was group 5 and was waiting in line with a whole bunch of people. Groups 1 and 2 were called and just as group three was about to be called up, a young couple came dashing down the hallway holding hands. Right in front of all of us, they begin to kiss and hug and say goodbye. Not quietly either! They were yelling! “I love you! I will miss you!” Right up until the last minute as the young women was going down the hallway to get on the airplane, they were waving at each other and yelling “goodbye! goodbye! I love you! I love you” They were displaying a raw public affection. They were totally Unashamed about their love for one another. I looked around in the crowd and many people were blushing in embarrassment, as they were so public with their affection. But the couple was completely unaware of their audience! The only people they were aware of were one another.
Right in that moment God spoke to me, “this is a picture of what your life is supposed to look like with Jesus. When you’re in love with Jesus and you’re just crazy about Him, it’ll be the most natural thing to go public with your affection for Him. Fear and shame is totally out the door when you’re in love. When you’re in love it doesn’t matter who’s watching or where you are. You just go public with your affection for one another. We all know those people at the restaurants or at a park or like my experience at an airport who just simply don’t care about anybody else in the room. This is what evangelism looks like. Evangelism is simply my Public display of affection for Jesus. I’m so in love with Jesus that I just get public with it. I can’t help but proclaim Him and demonstrate Him to anybody and everybody around me.
In that moment when I saw that couple have such an extravagant public display of affection in front of those 200 people waiting to get on the airplane. I thought, why don’t I just do the same with my love and affection for Jesus! So after we boarded the plane, I stood up and shared the Gospel to every single passenger on the airplane. Some people smiled, some people rolled their eyes, some people had tears in their eyes, some people said thank you, and some people wanted me to sit down. But it didn’t matter! Because it wasn’t about there response! It was about my love for Jesus! I just had to get public about my love and affection for Jesus!!
You know God did something very similar for you and for me. John 3:16 says “for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever would believe in him would have ever lasting life.”
God had such a love and affection in his heart for each and every one of us that he had to get public with it. He couldn’t contain or hold in his love for humanity. He is so in love with us that he had to publicly display His affection! God’s public display of affection for humanity was Jesus Christ hanging on a bloody cross. He loved us so much, that he actually took action! He went public! He proclaimed His affection for us loudly! He couldn’t stay quiet! He doesn’t have an ounce of shame about us! He is super proud to publicly love us! Like a husband that is so proud of His bride that he publicly affirms her and showers her with affection! Like lovers that don’t care if any one is watching, so they hug, kiss and hold hands for all the world to see! God isn’t ashamed to be our lover! He is so unashamed to publicly display His passion for you. And the truth is that He has already displayed His love! When he was lifted up on a hill, bloody and broken, He was boldly shouting, I LOVE YOU!
Now that He has shown me such a beautiful public display of affection, I can’t help but have massive PDA for Him! I love to flaunt my love for Him to the world around me! I’m proud to be seen with my Jesus! I’m unashamed of my lover. I like to talk about Him in public! I especially enjoy telling others about how wonderful He is and introduce them to His public display of affection for them, seen in Jesus Christ crucified!
The most loving thing I could do for lost humanity, is share Jesus. Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke says, an un-preached gospel is no gospel at all. I’m super passionate about this because for years all I did was demonstrate. I demonstrated with kindness, power and service. I gave people money, I fed people, I gave the coat off my back, I saw thousands of miracles on the streets, and I prophesied over thousands. But one day in 2013, the Holy Spirit cut and convicted me and I realized I had never taken the time to share the Good News of Jesus. Face after face of all the people I had served and prayed for over the years, flashed before my eyes. As the revelation and conviction to preach Jesus flooded my heart, hot tears streamed down my face. It didn’t condemn me, it compelled me. Suddenly I remembered a lady down the street. A week prior I had prayed for her and her back was healed. I jumped to my feet and ran! I ran to her house! The whole way there I heard Holy Spirit shouting, “PREACH JESUS!” When I arrived, I was out of breath and had dried tears on my face. I knocked and knocked until she arrived and I didn’t hold back. I preached Jesus. His presence flooded the room. He came. She fell over in her chair and broke out into joy and laughter. She surrendered to Jesus. She was born again!
That moment changed my life. It taught me something. I love power, kindness and service. But I love the simple Gospel more. I’m all for healing the sick, prophesying, releasing words of knowledge, and showing kindness. But my greatest passion is love. Jesus is love! He is the message. He is the Gospel. There is nothing like His presence. There is nothing like His work on the cross, where He died for your sin and for my sin. I’ve found when we lift up Jesus, everything we need meets us there. If someone is sick, there is healing. If someone has a need, there is kindness there. If someone is discouraged, there is encouragement there. HE IS THE GOSPEL! I want to encourage you to not make the mistake I made. Today, proclaim the Gospel! Lift up Jesus! Carry His presence with you today. He is the gift! He Himself. He’s the treasure! He’s the prize. He is eternal life. Pursue Him! Fall in love with Him! Preach Him. You will see mighty things. You will release authentic love.