Micah Level
Micah Level is the founder of Love Pursuit International and The Unveiled Church in Richmond, IN.
He is an apostolic prophetic voice that has a passionate fiery love for Jesus and carries a mandate to release Christ’s heart to this generation, to lead to the preparation and maturity of the bride for the coming of the Lord. He has personally released the Gospel to thousands and hundreds have been saved, healed, and delivered. He is a speaker, musician, and author of many books including the amazon best seller “Words Of Knowledge: Training Manual”. Micah loves bringing emphasis on adoration and intimacy with God, the finished work of Jesus, and conformity to His image. As an activator and equipper in the things of God, He trains effectively in prophecy, words of knowledge, healing, evangelism, and deliverance.
Micah is happily married to Meredith Level and is the proud father of their four kids: Madison, Simeon, David, and John Mark. As a family, they currently reside in Richmond, Indiana. To learn more and/or invite Micah to your gathering or event reach out to us.
Present the heart of God revealed in Jesus Christ
His Presence and Person is everything. He is our ambition and reward.
The Bride
Carrying a passion to see the church discipled into all the fullness of Christ.
The Lost
Proclaiming and demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus Christ
to this generation.